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Top 10 Food in Australia


1. Top 10 Food in Australia

When I hear the word Australia, food tops the list of the things that cross my mind! Australians have amazing dishes that will leave you craving for more or look for the recipes. I will list the top 10 Food in Australia and am sure I will leave you salivating! Enjoy though.

1.Potato Cakes

If you always wonder what more you should make with your potatoes, now you know. This is a pure challenge for the deep-fried crown. You can have your fish with these yummy potato cakes. It is a great substitute for fried fish and chips.

Just cut giant circles of some mashed potatoes then deep-fry them. Easy to make but really sweet.

2. Steak

Australian steak is like no other! Prepared with perfect ingredients, the final results are worth melting for. Soft and tender for your kids too. You can take it alone or with any other foods or just enjoy it with your favorite drink. You cannot say that you have enjoyed Australian dishes if you have not tried this.

3. Barbecued snags

When family and friends get together for a barbecue, the actual Australian atmosphere is set in instantly. With a great Australian snag comes an unforgettable Barbie moment. Whether you go for a traditional beef or pork, adding some herbs and spices for sweet and unique flavor is key. Try this and Australia will be your best destination.

4. Pavlova.

Among the causes of disputes between Australia and New Zealand is this yummy dish! Funny but it’s true. Both sides claim to have invented it back in the 1920s, but the lack of evidence has left the matter unsolved. However, this should not hinder you from enjoying the dish. The dish is a traditional meringue-based dessert. It has a crisp crust with a soft, light inside. Have it decorated with some fresh fruit and whipped cream and you will love it.

5. Sausage Rolls

If all that comes to your mind when you hear Australia is the beautiful beaches, it’s time you added sausage rolls on the list. Australia makes the best sausage meat wrapped in pastry then oven-baked to suit your lunch choice. Australia has adopted to the simple modern scoff to give the sausage rolls’ a unique taste.

6. Pigs in a blanket

If you have just had any roast dinner, this is the best accompaniment. Talk about wrapping meat in more meat! The result is double meat sandwich (no bread). In other places, this is referred to as hot dog or pancake, but in Australia, it’s simply meat wrapped in meat. Yummy!

7. Vegemite

Word have it that Australians travel with at least one jar of Vegemite in their luggage for fear of not finding it in other parts of the world! Well, it’s worth carrying wherever you are going. Vegemite is a jarred, briny paste. Any child in Australia will tell you that they grew eating it from infancy. It composes of yeast, minerals and salt to form a black concoction. The probability of finding it in other parts of the world is subtle. Take as much as you can if you are in Australia.

8. Lamingtons

For your morning and afternoon teas. Lamingtons have been Australians’ favorite since the 1900s. These are delicious cubed sponge cakes that are chocolate coated then rolled in a desiccated coconut. You can sandwich some fresh fruit jam in between the pieces of the cakes then flavor the whipped cream with some extracts for an out of this world taste. Enjoy!

9. Fish and chips

This in Australia is referred to as a national dish. After you are done enjoying the beaches, run back and grab a plate of fish and chips. It is almost like a tradition. The flaky fresh fish, crispy and slightly oily, served with some chips is worth salivating for.

10. Cheese and bacon roll

If you are still suffering from the effects of the night before, all you need is to grab this. However, if you are a health enthusiast, don’t go for it. It is basically a rolled bread, topped with cheese and bacon chunks. In Australia, the dish is popularly considered a food lunchbox filler.

With this list, you won’t wonder what to eat in Australia. Of Corse, this is just a few of the many dishes in Australia. Enjoy.


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