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Top 10 Natural Ways To Heal Your Digestion


The digestive system plays a huge role in the body and when it is not in perfect shape, it can really affect your overall health. Some of the digestive defects include the IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, constipation, bloating, heartburn, weight gain, exhaustion, diarrhea, and many more. Basically, there are a lot of defects of the digestive system. If these symptoms are not attended to, they can cause severe health conditions. Here is a look at the top 10 natural ways to heal your digestion;
1. Eat real food
The first thing you will want to ensure is that you are eating real food. Basically, digestion starts in the mouth. For that reason, you will want to choose your food wisely. Avoid going for the processed and the fast foods. These are some of the common enemies of your digestive system and for that, you will want to keep them off your mouth. The processed foods will contain processed oils, refined sugar and salt. You should choose the whole foods that have a good nutritional value. Such foods like whole-meal bread, fresh fruits and vegetables.

2. Chew your food completely
One common thing that cause the digestion defects is the improper processing and grinding of the food. When you chew the food well, then the digestive system will have an easier time all along. Avoid swallowing unchewed foods, especially those that are tough.

3. Eat cultured and fermented foods
The fermented foods will have good levels of good bacteria and for that, they will help to regenerate flora in your gut. If you can include as much fermented and cultured food in your diet, it will be better. You can consider some fermented vegetables, kefir, Kombucha, or Kimchi. In case you are suffering from a severe gut disorder, you will want to gradually include the fermented food in your diet.

4. Hydrate your body
Water is very vital in the body. In most cases, a lot of people will have gut disorders due to lack of enough water. This is common with constipation. To solve this, you will want to boost your water intake. You can try drinking at least a glass of water, with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Alternatively, ensure you take about 5 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day.

Herbal tea can also be a great drink to hydrate you. The herbal tea can contain peppermint, fennel, fenugreek and ginger. These ingredients are known for supporting the properties of the digestive system.

5. Consider your liver
Another way to heal your digestive system naturally is by helping your liver to work effectively and efficiently. If the digestive system is able to handle the digestion perfectly, you can boost it by consuming some foods that are good for your liver. Some of the foods that will support your liver include fresh juices, soup with leafy greens, beet-root and carrots.

6. Work on your stress
Did you know that stress can also affect your digestion? Basically, it will not only inflict your mind but your gut as well. You can try different ways of managing your stress. You can engage in some activities that will help you relax accordingly. Also, you can try out some activities like yoga, breathing, meditation, naps, and walking. These can help you get over your stress.

7. Add more glutamine in your diet
Generally, Glutamine is considered as s vital nutrient in the body. It helps to support the regeneration and repair of the lining of the intestine. It also helps to soothe the inflammation in the body. There are some organic food supplements that can provide you with natural glutamine. You can also find it in such foods like dairy products, spinach, beans, fish, meat, eggs, fresh vegetable juices and parsley.

8. Detox your body
You might also want to detox your body and get rid of the dirt that ruin your digestive health. You can have aloe vera juice to wash out your digestive system. When detoxifying, you will want to change your diet.

9. Understand your body
You will also want to listen to your body. Rather than going with the food trends and other dieting dogma, you will want to understand your body. This will help you know what works well for you and what will ruin your health.

10. Get probiotics
Having a good supply of probiotics can help you provide your body with good bacteria. This will help improve your overall health and the digestive health. The probiotics can be obtained from the dietary supplements, but be keen to choose the right probiotics.


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